Web Links
Follow the links below for other sources of information that you might want to investigate.
(We apologise in advance for broken links, as these are no longer monitored on this archived site. In addition, we regret that we are unable to add further links to other sites.).
After Cure is aimed at young people aged 16 who have survived cancer. The website covers a variety of topics such as follow up and future care, education and jobs, disability issues, life insurance and mortgages, fertility and travel and information on how to keep healthy.
Anne Grinyer’s publications
Complete list of Anne Grinyer’s publications
The UK’s leading cancer information site: your one-stop site with over 6,000 pages of up-to-date cancer information, practical advice and support for cancer patients, their families and carers. As cancer information specialists we can answer any questions on any cancer.
Bone Cancer Research Trust
The Bone Cancer Research Trust was formed in 2005, as an alliance of a number of established local charities, to promote research into the causes and treatment of Primary Bone Cancer and in particular of Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma.
Cancer care choices for young people
If you’re aged between 19 and 24 and have been diagnosed with cancer, you may have a choice about where to receive your care. This website aims to guide you through some of the decisions you’re able to make.
CancerBACUP’s mission is to give cancer patients and their families up-to-date information, practical advice and support to reduce the fear and uncertainty of cancer.
The CCLG is a national professional body responsible for the organisation of the treatment and management of children with cancer in the UK
Chasing Rainbows
Six young adults talk about their experiences as cancer patients
CLICSargent provides social, emotional and practical support to children and families. This may include explaining procedures and treatments, help with day to day arrangements or a break in a supportive holiday setting.
Compassionate Friends
The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive.
Group Loop
Group Loop is a US program providing online support for teens with cancer and their parents.
Leukaemia Care
Leukaemia CARE provides care and support for sufferers of leukaemia, Hodgkin’s and other lymphomas.
Macmillan Cancer Relief is a UK charity that works to improve the quality of life for people living with cancer.
Provides teenagers, with long term or life threatening illness, with access to computer technology to help with continuity of education and contact with schools.
Mesothelioma – An extensive database of information and resources for patients and their families to have a better understanding of the mesothelioma survival rate.
Mesothelioma.net is an informative resource center that offers comprehensive knowledge on mesothelioma and asbestos as well as sponsoring The American Cancer Society, the MD Cancer Center, The Methodist Hospital System, and the Make a Wish Foundation. They also go in depth on topics for cancer patients such as healthy eating, veteran support, complimentary treatments, and more.
Now What by CanTeen
Who we are – Now What has been developed by CanTeen, the Australian Organisation for Young People Living with Cancer. Now What has been developed by a team of people including CanTeen staff and young people whose lives have been affected by cancer.
Pleural mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma, a rare cancer that develops in the lungs. Our website has the most up to date and comprehensive information about Pleural Mesothelioma on the web today with information ranging from a complete list of symptoms, to treatment options, and steps to take after a diagnosis.
Revive is a website intended to be a portal for young people affected by blood cancer, and their friends and families, to access information and relevant contacts, share stories and network with each other.
Teenage Cancer Trust
The TCT focuses on the particular needs of UK teenagers and young adults with cancer, leukaemia, Hodgkin’s and related diseases. They have provided eight specialist units in large teaching hospitals and campaign in many ways for the needs of this age group.
Willow Foundation
The Willow Foundation is a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life of seriously ill adults aged 16 to 40 by organising and funding a ‘special day’ of their choice.