Publications based on research funded by the George Easton Memorial Trust
Journal Articles
Peer Reviewed Articles and chapters
Grinyer, A. (2015) Parenting a young adult with cancer, in Young Adults Fighting Cancer: Creating Hope Through Connections, Cancer Knowledge Network eBook.
Grinyer, A. (2014) 'Incongruent intimacy' - The loss of privacy for AYAs with life threatening illness, Cancer Knowledge Network.
Grinyer, A. (2014) Adolescent and young adult cancer in popular culture - reflections on The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, Cancer Knowledge Network.
Grinyer, A. (2014) When open discussions are not possible: how to 'hear' your young adult child's end of life wishes, Cancer Knowledge Network.
Grinyer, A. (2014) End of life support for AYAs with Cancer: How can we respectfully make our child feel independent even when he or she becomes dependent? Cancer Knowledge Network.
Grinyer, A. (2013) When treatment fails: the challenge of supporting adolescents and young adults diagnosed with terminal cancer, Cancer Knowledge Network.
Grinyer, A. (2012) A bereavement group for parents whose son or daughter died from cancer: how shared experience can lessen isolation, Mortality, Vol. 17 Issue 4: 338-354.
Grinyer, A. and Thomas, C. (2012) The Value of Interviewing on Multiple Occasions or Longitudinally, The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research, (second edition) Gubrium, J.F. Holstein, J. A. Marvasti A.B. and McKinney, K D. (eds), Los Angeles, Sage: 219-230.
Grinyer, A. (2011) Dying as a teenager or young person, in Death, Dying and Social Differences, (Oliviere, D. Monroe B. and Payne, S. Eds) 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press: 118-125.
Grinyer, A. (2010) The late effects of mantle field radiotherapy: the information and support needs of women survivors of Hodgkin’s disease, European Journal of Oncology Nursing, Volume 14 (3) July 2010: 183-189.
Grinyer, A. (2009) Contrasting parental perspectives with those of teenagers and young adults with cancer: comparing the findings from two qualitative studies, European Journal of Oncology Nursing, Vol. 13: 200-206.
Grinyer, A. (2009) The ethics of the secondary analysis and further usage of qualitative data,
Social Research Update, Issue 56, University of Surrey.
Grinyer, A. (2008) The impact of cancer on parents of adolescents and young people, Cancer Care for Adolescents and Young Adults, (Gibson, F. and Kelly, D. Eds.) Oxford: Blackwell:44-58.
Grinyer, A. (2007) The biographical impact of teenage and adolescent cancer, Chronic Illness. Vol.3 No 4:265-277.
Grinyer, A. (2007) The ethics of Internet usage in health and personal narratives research, Social Research Update, Issue 49, University of Surrey.
Grinyer, A. (2006) Telling the Story of Illness and Death, Auto/Biography. Vol.14. 206-222.
Grinyer, A. (2006) Caring for a young adult with cancer: The impact on mothers’ health, Health and Social Care in the Community, 14 (4): 311-318.
Grinyer, A. (2005) Personal agendas in emotionally demanding research, Social Research Update, Issue 46, University of Surrey.
Grinyer, A. (2004) Young adults with cancer: parents’ interaction with health care professionals, The European Journal of Cancer Care, Vol. 13, 88-95.
Grinyer, A. and Thomas, C. (2004) The importance of place of death in young adults with terminal cancer, Mortality, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 2004: 114-131.
Grinyer, A. (2004) The narrative correspondence method: what a follow up study can tell us about the longer-term effect on participants in emotionally demanding research, Qualitative Health Research, Vol.14 (10): 1326-1341
Grinyer, A. (2002) The Anonymity of Research Participants: Assumptions, Ethics and Practicalities, Social Research Update, Issue 36, University of Surrey.
Grinyer, A. and Thomas, C. (2001) Young Adults with Cancer: The effect on Parents and Families, The International Journal of Palliative Nursing, April 2001. Vol.7 No.4. 162-170.
Grinyer A. (2012) Palliative & End of Life Care for Children & Young People: Home, Hospice, Hospital, Oxford, Blackwell.
Grinyer, A. (2009) Life After Cancer in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Late Effects and Long Term Survivorship, Oxford, Routledge.
Grinyer, A. (2007) Young People Living with Cancer: implications for policy and practice, Buckingham, Open University Press.
Grinyer, A. (2002) Cancer in young adults: through parents’ eyes, Buckingham, Open University Press.